Saturday, January 11

Tag: Psychiatric Nursing Degrees

How Evolution in Psychiatric Nursing Degrees Helps Tackle Mental Health
Education Degree

How Evolution in Psychiatric Nursing Degrees Helps Tackle Mental Health

When it comes to healthcare, there are few fields that have seen dramatic changes in the last 50 years as psychiatry nursing, not least in terms of public perception. And just as people’s ideas about mental health have evolved, so have best practices, education, and training in relation to psychiatric care changed the way that care is provided.  In this article, we examine the specific changes that have occurred in the field of psychiatric nursing, and how higher education for nurse practitioners has developed to help ensure the highest level of care in the 21st century. In addition, we also look at the typical career path of psychiatric nurse practitioners, as well as the importance of specialist experience and lifelong learning in this journey.   Changing landscape with demand at new h...